Content tacos or content chalupas?

Today is National Taco Day. (And of course, as a San Diego freelance copywriter I have written for several of our most famous taco chains.) My favorite place for tacos is El Indio, where I always order a veggie taco and a fish taco.



All this taco talk reminded me of the content taco concept Mark Schaefer talked about a couple of years ago at Social Media Marketing World. Taco Bell uses only 14 ingredients to make their super extensive menu. But they’re pretty good at throwing in an unexpected ingredient to mix things up.

 For example, Taco Bell’s bread and butter is their taco. You need to eat a couple of hem for a meal. Taco Bell switches up the menu with the Chalupa, which features the same guts of a taco but adds a doughy shell that is fried so what you basically get is a donut taco. (Okay, so not healthy.)


What can you add to make your content different? I add sketchnotes to my content. Maybe you can do 1-minute explainer videos, or 1-minute answer your question videos, or gifs.  Instead of just writing about your 3 services, maybe you interview three different customers that each use a different service.

 What’s in your chalupla?

 Happy writing!   :)
