Dear Friends
I wanted to share how you can harness the power of AI to level up your writing game. 🚀
So can you just hit a fancy button and magically summon the perfect answer for all your word wizardry needs? Well, my friend, the answer is a resounding YES!
But here's the kicker: AI is no wizardry. It's a genius, alright, but it follows a set of rules, a precise algorithm. And the response you get? Well, that's the average Joe of answers.
Do you really want your messaging to sound like everyone else's? Of course not!
You've got to get creative with your prompts to gather treasure trove of options. Then, you pick the gems that you like and work from there.
What’s your clarity line?
We'll be writing our clarity lines as an excuse to use AI.
Think elevator pitch, but instead of 15 seconds, it’s your 6 seconds to yes. Your clarity line is your lightning-fast intro, the sizzle before the steak. It’s a succinct statement that conveys who you are, what you do, and the benefits you bring.
And brief is important because you have to explain what you do in a second or two.
I help
(adjective) (your customer) (what your service or product offers)
so they can (long-term benefit).
Let’s get real, folks. When it comes to buying, people lead with their hearts, not their spreadsheets. They’ll whip out the credit card and then later craft a logical explanation for their purchase.
And guess what? We, the marvels of human existence, are hardwired for this emotional dance. Emotions are our superpowers—we feel them, we react to them.
Now, contrast that with your AI bot, which is about as emotionally nuanced as a calculator. Sometimes, human emotions are like a wild jazz improvisation, defying any algorithm’s tidy logic.
And we want to speak to the emotions people are feeling.
This is what we'll be doing in this email lesson:
Review the power of emotions
Use an AI prompt to help us identify customer problems and the emotions they feel about them
Write multiple clarity lines addressing that one problem and that one emotion.
Finese options produced with AI.
Review the questions you'd ask your customers about their problem.
The quest: what are your customers feeling?
So, what’s the big deal about emotions in buying, you ask? The emotions that fuel a purchase run deep. You have to keep peeling those layers, like an emotional archaeologist, and keep asking “why?”
Take those black pants, for instance. It’s not just about longevity; it’s about feeling like a gravity-defying superstar every time you strut your stuff.
Or that housekeeping service – it’s not merely about sparkly countertops; it’s about the sweet freedom to reclaim your Saturdays from toilet scrubbing and do something wild and wonderful.
And that potted plant? It’s not just some rare foliage; it’s a house-transforming miracle that banishes embarrassment and makes you a proud host.
Now, here’s the sage advice: when you’re out there talking about your products or services, remember this golden rule – stick to one emotion per communication piece. Dive deep into that emotion, stir it up, and watch your customers resonate like never before.
What AI to use.
Between the time I am writing this email and the time I send it out, something new will change about AI. Right now, I simply use . Feel free to use whatever AI platform you wish.
Let's pinpoint emotions.
So for this exercise we'll be writing a Clarity Line for a woman-owned accounting firm with a target audience of woman-owned businesses.
We’re diving into the AI game to suss out the feels your future customers might feeling about the problems they’re dealing with. We’re not stopping there. We’re going to predict the emotions that’ll be bubbling up once your top-notch product or service sweeps in like a hero to save the day.
Here is the prompt we'll work with. You can just copy and paste and fill in your own details.
Identify problems female entrepreneurs and business owners may have with their accounting
Pinpoint the emotions they feel about this problem
Identify how a woman-owned accounting firm can offer a solution to a problem
Identify how the female business owner will feel with their accounting problem solved.]
PERSONA = You are a copywriter that understands the emotions that drive people’s actions. Your client is a woman-owned accounting firm.
Streamlined Payroll Services
Relieved and Empowered
The customers of this woman-owned accounting firm are women owners of small businesses or founders.
Problems these female business owners and founders may face:
Laws about employees/contractors
Embarrassed that accounting is a mess
Changing tax laws
Cash flow
CONSTRAINTS = Write in a professional, conversational manner.
Deliver in a table.
Column 1 Customer problem
Column 2 Emotion customer feels about problem
Column 3 Solution that accounting firm offers
Column 4 Emotion that customer feels after problem is solved
Number each row
Here's what AI delivered:
Customer problem
Emotion customer feels about problem
Solution accounting firm offers
Emotion customer feels after problem is solved
1. Payroll
Streamlined payroll services
Relieved and empowered
2. Employee/contractor laws
Expert legal compliance guidance
Confident and secure
3. Messy accounting
Organized financial cleanup
Rejuvenated and in control
4. Changing tax laws
Timely tax law updates and planning
Reassured and prepared
5. Cash flow
Cash flow optimization strategies
Peaceful and financially stable
6. Business growth
Strategic financial planning
Optimistic and ready to expand
7. Budget management
Effective expense control
In control and financially savvy
8. Audits and inspections
Audit preparedness and support
Confident and stress-free
9. Retirement planning
Personalized retirement planning
Secure and prepared for the future
10. Investment decisions
Expert investment advisory
Informed and confident in financial choices
Now, one of the side effects of AI is that you can end up with too much information. It’s like going into an ice cream store where 59 flavors are available; it’s hard to pick one.
After all, we don’t want to talk about a million solutions and emotions all at once. Nope, we’re going to focus on one problem, deliver one knockout solution, and stir up one emotion that’ll leave them craving more. Trust me, this laser-focused approach is your golden ticket to keeping things sweet, not scattered.
We're going to select one problem/emotion sequence.
So in today's session:
We're going to select a single problem/emotion sequence from yesterday
So I’m going to select #6 from yesterday:
6. Customer problem:
Business growth
Emotion customer feels about problem
Solution accounting firm offers
Strategic financial planning
Emotion customer feels after problem is solved
Optimistic and ready to expand
A prompt to write your clarity line:
We’re going to write an elevator pitch for a woman-owned accounting firm.
You are a copywriter that understands the emotions that drives people’s actions. Your client is a woman-owned accounting firm. Their clients are women-owned businesses.
Use this format.
We help (adjective) (your customer) (what your service or product offers) so they can (long-term benefit).
We want to write a clarity line for a woman-owned accounting firm whose clients are women business owners or founders.
Write in a professional, conversational manner.
Can also include sassy options.
Offer at least 10 options in a numbered list.
Use a professional voice mixed in tones of sassiness.
Add varieties for the adjective, which can be busy, overwhelmed, owners of growing businesses.
For the long-term benefit, options can include optimistic, ready to expand, rule their world, command their future.
The AI results for our clarity line.
We empower busy women business owners with expert financial guidance so they can confidently command their financial future.
At our woman-owned accounting firm, we support overwhelmed women entrepreneurs in managing their finances, helping them stay ready to expand their businesses.
We assist owners of growing women-led businesses in conquering their financial challenges, so they can rule their world with financial confidence.
Our woman-owned accounting firm partners with women entrepreneurs, offering expert financial solutions to busy business owners, enabling them to take control of their financial destiny.
We provide a lifeline to overwhelmed women business owners, ensuring they can confidently navigate their financial journey and optimize their future.
For women leading growing businesses, our accounting firm offers essential financial support, so they can thrive and embrace an optimistic financial future.
We understand the unique needs of women entrepreneurs and help them conquer financial hurdles, so they can confidently expand their businesses and rule their industries.
As a woman-owned accounting firm, we empower owners of growing businesses with expert financial advice, helping them command their financial future with sass and style.
We’re not just accountants; we’re financial allies for busy women business owners, ensuring they stay ready to expand and rule their financial world.
Our woman-owned accounting firm specializes in supporting women entrepreneurs, enabling them to conquer their financial challenges and write the next chapter in their success story with unwavering confidence.
So, as you can see, these are okay. But kind of boring.
So I am going to choose the phrase I like the best, edit it, and then create a new prompt.
We help growing women-led businesses in conquering their financial challenges, so they can rule their world with financial confidence.
… and do a quick edit
We help growing women-led businesses conquer their financial challenges, so they can rule their world with financial confidence.
The new prompt:
Please rewrite this clarity line, offering 10 versions using an empowered, sassy tone of voice.
AI results for a clarity line, an empowered sassy tone of voice:
We’re the financial powerhouses behind thriving women-led businesses, helping them crush their financial challenges and reign supreme in the financial world.
We’ve got the financial magic to make growing women-led businesses slay their financial hurdles and rule their financial kingdom with unapologetic confidence.
We’re the secret weapon in the arsenal of women-led businesses, arming them with the financial know-how to conquer any challenge and dominate their financial universe.
When it comes to women-led businesses, we’re the queens of conquering finances, ensuring they rise above and conquer the financial realm with fierce confidence.
Our mission? Empowering women-led businesses to obliterate financial obstacles, so they can confidently sit at the throne of their financial empire.
We’re not just accountants; we’re the financial warriors that women-led businesses need to slay their financial dragons and rule their financial domain.
With us by their side, growing women-led businesses don’t just survive; they thrive, they conquer, and they make their financial mark with audacious confidence.
We specialize in helping women-led businesses master their finances, turning them into unstoppable forces that dominate the financial landscape with flair.
When financial challenges try to stand in the way, we step up and help women-led businesses smash through, so they can strut their stuff as financial royalty.
We’re the financial mentors that women-led businesses deserve, arming them with the knowledge and sass to take control, conquer, and reign supreme in their financial universe.
Okay this tone sounds a little more human. I underlined the elements that I like from various selections and edited them into a new option:
We’re the secret weapon of growing female-led businesses, arming them with financial know-how so they can make their mark with audacious confidence.
So let’s take a look at our original problem and emotion; I selected #6:
6. Business growth
Strategic financial planning
Optimistic and ready to expand
So we are transforming uncertainty into audacious confidence. Audacious confidence. Those are great tone words to use to guide your communications.
Playing around with a few more alternatives:
Now I am going to go to my favorite online thesaurus to see if I can find some interesting alternatives to growing. I like emerging, rising, flourishing and thriving. But am going to go with rising to indicate growth in an upward swing without being too established yet. (I could probably do this with another round of AI, but at this point it will just be quicker to use my human intuition to pick out the words I want.)
We’re the secret weapon of emerging female-led businesses, arming them with financial know-how so they can make their mark with audacious confidence.
Now I am going to make the end stronger:
We’re the secret weapon of rising female-led businesses, arming them with financial know-how so they can lead with audacious confidence.
Let's transform the sentence to a you sentence, talking directly with our customers:
We’re your secret weapon, arming you with financial know-how so you can lead with audacious confidence.
Then let's go shorter:
We arm you with financial know-how so you can lead with audacious confidence.
So is this industry shattering language? Are we creating a new category here? No. But I like the phrase audacious confidence. If you hired a professional copywriter could they come up with something more original? Perhaps. But this is better than 90% of what you'll see your there.
Am I selling out my fellow creative copywriters and designer friends by teaching you how to use prompts? No. Like it or not, AI is here and if you're going to be using it, I don't want you to forget the human behind your messaging: YOU!
How many edits was that?
1 AI prompt to get problem/emotion sequences
Select one problem/emotion sequence work work with
1 AI prompt that was too formal
1 AI prompt for more conversational language
Select favorite phrases from 10 sentences
Edit a sentence
Play around with thesaurus for some word alternatives
Edit clarity line shorter
Edit clarity line shorter
So for right now, AI really needs a human touch to really work.
P.S. Next month I am going to be teaching a 4 week class: Shamelessly Human: Write Your Brand Story with a Load of Human Help and a Dash of AI. You can find out more here!
Let mw know your thoughts about AI!