Learning the value of water.

In support of Blog Action Day 2010 Water

Here in the paradise known as San Diego, we live in a desert, importing up to 80% of our water. Yet it’s easy to take water for granted.

You turn on the tap and water comes out. Right?

But would we use water differently if we had to go to a well and carry our water? I remember backpacking as a Girl Scout and planning how much water we would have to carry on weekend trips in the desert. The recommended amount for a strenuous trip was one gallon of water a day. But one gallon of water is eight pounds.

In many places of the world, fetching fresh water is the primary task of women and children. A 2000 report by the Asian Development Bank stated that of the 300 million people living in the Asia–Pacific region, one person out of three have no access to sources of safe drinking water within 200 meters (that's 655 feet) of their homes.

So the next time you want a nice workout, go fill up an empty milk jug with water, stick it in your backpack and then go walk around the block. Add in a couple of steep hills and you just might work up a sweat. And hopefully you’ll also gain a greater understand what many people have to do for the water we take for granted.

Here's a couple of ways how you can help conserve water:

Helpful tips on how to save water. San Diego Water Authority

Ways you can help protect our coastline and water supply.

Surfrider Foundation, San Diego Chapter

How to plant a native plant garden. Because green lawns are so overrated. The Water Conservation Garden, Cuyamaca College