I'm not even at Not at BlogWorld in SD.

(Courtesy of wearethedigitalkids.com)

No, I'm not at BlogWorld. No, I'm not even at Not at BlogWorld in SD hosted by @interactivem and @downtownrob. (That would be #bwe10sd.)

But some of my favorite blogs right now:

MOTY Notes: Stories of Imperfection

Great tales of motherhood and life by Kathryn Proulx, wife of Lemonade the Movie creator Erik Proulx. Kathryn has a wicked sense of humor. (I dig Erik's blog Please Feed the Animals too.)

We are the Digital Kids

Insights by Amanda Mooney, a digital kid and account supervisor for the strategy team at Edelman Digital. (I also like how the photos in her masthead always change.)

Frank Chimero

I'm so insanely jealous of designers who can write.