There was an app that went around Facebook a couple of months ago that calculates how much time you’ve spent on Facebook. So with some hesitation, I clicked it.
Yikes!!!!!! Since 2009, I have spent 24 entire days on Facebook.
That’s almost a month! I could write a real book in that time.
That’s 4 days a year! That’s an average of 15 minutes a day!
And I know it’s been way more than 15 minutes a day the last few years because now I am part of more groups and the conversation is more engaging.
I love reading about Michael’s adventures in Hong Kong, catching glimpses of Alexis’s life in Buenos Aires and learning from industry groups like the Dirties and the Freelance Bitches. (I seriously have the best feed.)
Don’t get me wrong, I received one of this year’s most interesting, educational project referrals from a group on Facebook, so yes it pays to be there.
But I am going reduce my time on Facebook.
I took Facebook off my phone and my iPad to prevent me from mindlessly cruising at home when I should be interacting with my kids.
I go on once in the morning on my laptop and then turn on my favorite app, Self-Control, which blocks any site for up to 24 hours at a time. (Yes I cheat plenty.) It's been about a week. It's not easy. I think it takes 60 days to make a habit. I'll let you know how I'm doing.
That’s the best gift we can give this holiday season:
To be present.
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